curve of water consumption中文什么意思

发音:   用"curve of water consumption"造句
  • curve:    n. 1.曲线;弯曲;弯曲物。 2. ...
  • water:    n. 1.水;雨水;露;〔常作 pl ...
  • consumption:    n. 1.消费(量);消尽,消耗,灭 ...
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  1. Then some optimal models of water supply networks are enumerated and some factors which can influence the optimal results are analyzed such as the efficiency of pump station , the temporal value of fund , the curve of water consumption and the coefficient of water supply energy and so on
  2. Considering the electrovalence , the curve of water consumption and the reliability of water supply , this paper respectively sets up the model based on the maximal flux and the model based on the expectation flux . it takes yearly expenditure converting value and yearly cistern converting value as target function and takes continuity equation , velocity of flow and compression resistance of cast iron pipeline as restrictions and sets up the pga model on optimal design of water supply networks


  1. curve of transverse metacenter 什么意思
  2. curve of transverse metacenters 什么意思
  3. curve of turnout lead curve 什么意思
  4. curve of vertical center of buoyancy 什么意思
  5. curve of volumes of total displacements 什么意思
  6. curve of water erosion 什么意思
  7. curve of water level 什么意思
  8. curve of water plane areas 什么意思
  9. curve of water supply 什么意思
  10. curve of water surface 什么意思


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